Self Employed Income Protection 

Income Protection – Life Insurance –
Serious Illness Insurance – Mortgage Protection

Our Trusted Insurers

What does income protection cover when you are self-employed?

You might think that being self employed means no more worrying about sick pay/sick leave, after all, you’re your own boss right? Whilst this is technically true, taking an extended period of time out of work is actually worse if you’re self employed. Not only does it damage your business credibility but it also damages your own pocket.

Continue to receive regular monthly income

If you work self employed in one of the above industries, the odds are many other businesses in your sector are protected through Income Protection - sickness and accidental injury can strike anytime, anywhere and it can happen to anyone. Make sure you've got the best coverage available by filling in our "chat with an expert form" or by using our online chat feature for instant support. Our expert staff will comprehensively answer any questions you may have regarding self-employed income protection.

Up to 50% paid income

Most of us think I don't need income protection, I won't become seriously ill or have an accident that prevents me working", we're all guilty of it but the sad truth is that 1 in 10 people have been unable to work for over 6 months due to accident or illness.So now you might be thinking, "where do I start" or "OK I need protection but it all seems too complicated", this is where Income Protection Expert comes in handy, once you've finished here, send a message to one of our friendly advisors who will be happy to take any questions you may have or can point you in the direction of an Income Protection Expert approved practise that will walk you through the process step-by-step.Once you're covered you will receive a tax-free montly payout should you be forced to take time out of work for an extended period of time.

What are customers are saying

Why choose Income Protection Expert?

We at Income Protection Expert are great fans of income protection, as it simply provides the most comprehensive financial protection against illness .

Specialists in income protection

We have years of experience dealing with lots of cases and have an expert team ready at hand to help out with your needs.

Highly Rated

Don't just take our word for it, check out our review to see some of the great things that our customers have been saying about us.

Put you in touch with dentistry experts

As leading experts we work closely with all the dentistry experts to only get you the best deals but also the best service.

Specialists in income protection

We have years of experience dealing with lots of cases and have an expert team ready at hand to help out with your needs.

Our Mission

Income Protection Expert is the brain child of a former research scientist that made a very significant career change and moved into financial services, bringing a skill set and analytical approach that is very rarely found in this industry. This led to the approach detailed below.

Provide Information

To provide members of the public with a level of information and detail on the subject of income protection that even the vast majority of professional financial advisers are unaware of and well above the basic information given by either the Money Advice Service or the Citizens Advice Bureau.

Improve Knowledge

To improve the knowledge of financial advisers on the subject of Income Protection by compiling a vast amount of information on the subject from all Income Protection providers in one place, as it tends to be a largely neglected area of protection compared to life Insurance or Critical illness cover due to the additional effort required to become an expert in the subject.

Liase with Advisors For You

To act as a link between individuals that have a need for Income Protection and the elite group of advisers that have taken the significant time and effort to fully understand the subject and are therefore able to offer the best available independent advice for income protection and the peace of mind that comes with that expertise.

Get The right protection
for you with Income
Protection expert

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